Carla Hendrickson was born and raised in the Northern Idaho area. She has two beautiful children, Caden James and Chanel Avery. She earned her advanced cosmetology degree from the JZ Trend Paul Mitchell Academy in North Dakota. Five months after graduating she traveled to Los Angelos, CA where she earned her certificate in Spray Tanning. In 2016, she traveled to Seattle,WA where she attended a class to earn her certificate in eyelash extensions. Carla has been modeling for about 4 years now and thoroughly enjoys it. She is currently signed with MAM out of the Spokane/Seattle area, and Haute Models/Reel People out of Sioux Falls/Omaho area. She also does Promotional Modeling with 360-now. Carla always is looking to shoot new ideas and is very open minded. She absolutely loves the whole experience of being a model. She hopes to be printed more and is working to getting her name out there as much as possible. For Carla modeling is a positive outlet for her!! She has plans of owning her own salon some day. She has aspirations of becoming a national educator/platform artist with the Paul Mitchell School System. She hopes to finish writing her book within the next year.